Monday, October 5, 2009 @ 5:44 PM
i haven't had the time to take mug shots of my new haircut, much less upload it so hang on.
rushing my geography revision worksheet - it is so hard D:
damn i'm gonna fail geography!
refering to my notes and textbook like mad, which is good because
i want to finish mugging for geography by today anyway, so this will help a lot C:
shall go and facebook a while. i don't care anymore!
by the way, i look like taemin and jungmin put together right? at least my hair does, right?
say yes say yes! omg i sound like dora the explorer -
"say map, say map!" or
"say backpack, say backpack!"
hahaha xD

kekeke C: of course, my fringe is straighter, i guess. pity.