chocolate love, and cosplay.
Sunday, November 29, 2009 @ 10:34 PM
been working hard at the Chocolate Love dance, and i'm quite pleased with my progress,
considering that i was learning watching a low quality and fan-cammed video
that was taken during a promotion somewhere of the LG Chocolate,
so it was really dark with stupid red lights flashing about, and i couldn't see f(x)'s limbs very well,
since they were all donning black outfits.
shall go and ask my dad about the cosplay thing.
i'm really kinda interested (lol, a weird degree of interest), and since my dad knows
this daughter of a patient of his who sells cosplay outfits,
i probably can get some discount for whatever i'm buying (i hope!).
or if it's too expensive, i could ask teresa for help, i guess C:
problem is, i can't choose which character to cosplay.
Choice #1 : Kozue from Mahoraba - the girl with blue hair.
She's a simple schoolgirl, so the costume won't be too embarassing except maybe the skirt,
and it won't be like the fighting characters with all the weapons,
but probably NOBODY will know who the heck i am, so there's not much point, is there?

Choice #2 : Misa from Deathnote
She's a nice character to play, again with no weapons, but her outfits are a bit revealing,
so i'm not really up for it, although i heard that teresa did a good job
with this character during AFA. Teresa jjang! :D

Choice #3 : Haruhi Fujioka from Ouran High School Host Club
Very simple costume, but difficult to pull off unless i posses the features of haruhi,
so this is unlikely.

Choice #4 : Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
yes, this is very much a male character, but it would but fun to play him, no?
i like his outfit - it's has pants that are a little shorter than 3 quarts.

i think that's about it. i was considering sakura from naruto, but i hate pink.
i'll post photos if i get my cosplay outfit (:
to sleep, to sleep.
./edited the inactive picture.